In press
Papers / Chapters
- Stoll, S. E., Bauer, I., Hopfer, K., Lamberty, J., Lunz, V., Guzmán Bausch, F., … & Randerath, J. (2024). Diagnosing homo digitalis: towards a standardized assessment for digital tool competencies. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1270437.
- Przybylski, L., & Kroliczak, G. (2023). The functional organization of skilled actions in the adextral and atypical brain. Neuropsychologia, 191, 108735.
- Michalowski, B., Buchwald, M., Klichowski, M., Ras, M., Kroliczak, G. (2022). Action goals and the praxis network: An fMRI study. Brain Structure and Function, 227. doi: 10.1007/s00429-022-02520-y [LINK]
- Ras, M., Wyrwa, M., Stachowiak, J., Buchwald, M., Nowik, A.M., Kroliczak, G. (2022). Complex tools and motor-to-mechanical transformations. Scientific Reports, 12, 8041. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-12142-3. [LINK]
- Kroliczak, G., Buchwald, M., Kleka, P., Klichowski, M., Potok, W., Nowik, A.M., Randerath, J., Piper, B.J. (2021). Manual praxis and language-production networks, and their links to handedness. Cortex, 140, 110-127. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2021.03.022. [LINK]
- Fischer, I., Avrashi, S., Oz, T., Fadul, R., Gutman, K., Rubenstein, D., Kroliczak, G., Goerg, S., Glockner, A. (2020). The behavioural challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic: Indirect measurements and personalized attitude changing treatments (IMPACT). Royal Society Open Science, 7:201131. doi: 10.1098/rsos.201131. [LINK]
- Klichowski, M., Kroliczak, G. (2020). Mental shopping calculations: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:1930. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01930. [LINK]
- Kroliczak, G., Piper, B.J., Potok, W., Buchwald, M., Kleka, P., Przybylski, Ł., Styrkowiec, P.P. (2020). Praxis and language organization in left-handers. Acta Neuropsychologica, 18(1), 15-28. [LINK]
- Klichowski, M., Nowik, A.M., Kroliczak, G., Lewis, J.W. (2020). Functional lateralization of tool-sound and action-word processing in a bilingual brain. Health Psychology Report, 8(1), 10-30. doi: 10.5114/hpr.2020.92718. [LINK]
- Kroliczak., G., Potok, W., Nowik, A.M. (2020). Język, praksja i ręczność: delikatna triada z perspektywy leworęczności. Kosmos, 69(1), 123-134. doi: 10.36921/kos.2020_2630. [LINK]
- Klichowski, M., Kroliczak, G. (2020). Rola tylnej części dolnego zakrętu skroniowego w powszednich obliczeniach arytmetycznych. Kosmos, 69(1), 145-156. doi: 10.36921/kos.2020_2623. [LINK]
- Raś, M., Nowik, A.M., Klawiter, A., Kroliczak, G. (2019). When is the brain ready for mental actions? Readiness potential for mental calculations. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 79, 319-331.doi: 10.21307/ane‐2019‐036. [LINK]
- Króliczak, G., Gonzalez, C., Carey, D. (2019). Editorial: Manual Skills, Handedness, and the Organization of Language in the Brain. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:930, 1-4. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00930. [LINK]
- Nowik, A.M., Styrkowiec, P.P., & Kroliczak, G. (2019). Manual Grasparatus: A nifty tool for presenting real objects in fMRI research. MethodsX, 6, 1353-1359. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2019.06.003. [LINK]
- Styrkowiec, P.P., Nowik, A.M., & Króliczak, G.(2019). The neural underpinnings of haptically guided functional grasping of tools: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 194, 149-162. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.03.043. [LINK]
- Potok, W., Maskiewicz, A., Króliczak, G., Marangon, M. (2019) The temporal involvement of the left supramarginal gyrus in planning functional grasps: a neuronavigated TMS study. Cortex, 11, 16-34. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2018.10.010. [LINK]
Buchwald, M., Przybylski, L., Kroliczak, G. (2018). Decoding Brain States for Planning Functional Grasps of Tools: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Multivoxel Pattern Analysis Study. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 24, 1013-1025. doi: 10.1017/S1355617718000590. [LINK]
Króliczak, G., Buchwald, M., Potok, W., Przybylski, L. (2018). Ręczność, praksja i język: nowe spojrzenie na delikatną triadę. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 23(1), 22-34. doi: 10.14656/PFP20180102. [LINK]
- Przybylski, Ł., Króliczak, G. (2018). Jak, gdzie i kiedy mózg rozpoznaje ofertę? Studium planowania chwytu z użyciem funkcjonalnego rezonansu magnetycznego. W: G. Króliczak, K. Łastowski, Ł. Przybylski, P. Przybysz, M. Urbański (red.), Filozof w krainie umysłów (pp. 99-110). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNS UAM.
Witkowski, M., Bronikowski, M., Nowik, A., Tomczak, M., Strugarek, J., Kroliczak, G. (2018). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a transfer (interhemispheric) training program in the early stages of fencing training. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 58(9), 1368-1374. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.17.07556-
9. [LINK] - Biduła, S. P., Przybylski, Ł., Pawlak, M. A., & Króliczak, G. (2017). Unique Neural Characteristics of Atypical Lateralization of Language in Healthy Individuals. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11:525. DOI:10.3389/fnins.2017.00525. [LINK]
- Klichowski, M., & Króliczak, G. (2017). Numbers and functional lateralization: a visual half-field and dichotic listening study in proficient bilinguals. Neuropsychologia, 100, 93–109. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.04.019. [LINK]
- Klichowski, M. (2017). Editorial: Rain Man Unmasked: An ‘Escape’ of Language from the Left Hemisphere Unlocks Working Memory for Numbers. EC Psychology and Psychiatry, 5: 30-32. [LINK]
- Przybylski, Ł., & Króliczak, G. (2017). Planning functional grasps of simple tools invokes the hand-independent praxis representation network: an fMRI study. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 23: 108–120. Special Issue: Motor Cognition. DOI: 10.1017/S1355617716001120. [LINK]
- Kubiak, A., & Króliczak, G. (2016). Left extrastriate body area is sensitive to the meaning of symbolic gesture: evidence from fMRI repetition suppression. Scientific Reports, 6, 31064. DOI: 10.1038/srep31064. [LINK]
- Króliczak, G., & Biduła, S. (2016). Widzenie. W: Przewodnik po kognitywistyce (red. Józef Bremer SJ). Seria: Przewodniki po filozofii. Wydawnictwo WAM, 367-390. ISBN: 978-83-277-0199-2.
- Króliczak, G., Piper, B.J., & Frey, S.H. (2016). Specialization of the left supramarginal gyrus for hand-independent praxis representation is not related to hand dominance. Neuropsychologia, 93, 501-512. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.03.023. [LINK]
- Marangon. M, Kubiak. A., & Kroliczak, G. (2016). Haptically guided grasping. FMRI shows right-hemisphere parietal stimulus encoding, and bilateral dorso-ventral parietal gradients of object- and action-related processing during grasp execution. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9:691. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00691. – Frontiers [LINK]
- Piper, B.J., Mueller, S.T., Geerken, A.R., Dixon, K.L., Króliczak, G., Olsen, R.H.J., & Miller, J.K. (2015). Reliability and validity of neurobehavioral function on the Psychology Experimental Building Language test battery in young-adults. PeerJ 3:e1460. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1460. – PeerJ [LINK]
- Krefta, M., Michałowski, B., Kowalczyk, J., & Króliczak, G. (2015). Co-lateralized bilingual mechanisms for reading in single and dual language contexts: evidence from visual half-field processing of action words in proficient bilinguals. Front. Psychol. 6:1159. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01159 – Frontiers [LINK]
- Biduła, S.P., & Króliczak G. (2015). Structural asymmetry of the insula is linked to the lateralization of gesture and language. European Journal of Neuroscience. 41(11): 1438-47. DOI: 10.1111/ejn.12888. – PubMed [LINK]
- Michałowski, B., & Króliczak, G. (2015). Sinistrals are rarely ‘right’: evidence from tool-affordance processing in visual half-field paradigms. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9:166. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00166. – Frontiers [LINK]
- Ritterband-Rosenbaum, A., Hermosillo, R., Króliczak, G., & van Donkelaar P. (2014). Hand Position Dependent Modulation of Errors in Vibrotactile Temporal Order Judgments: The Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to the Human Posterior Parietal Cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 232(6): 1689-98. DOI 10.1007/s00221-014-3861-9. – Springer [LINK]
- Helon, H., & Króliczak, G. (2014). The effects of visual half-field priming on the categorization of familiar intransitive gestures, tool use pantomimes, and meaningless hand movements. Front. Psychol. 5:454. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00454. – [LINK]
- Króliczak, G. (2013). Praxis in left-handers. Kultura i Edukacja (Cult. Educ.), 6(99), 5-31. KiE [LINK]
- Wrzosek, M., Maculewicz, J., Hafke-Dys, H., Nowik, A., Preis, A., & Kroliczak, G. (2013). Pitch Processing of Speech: Comparison of Psychoacoustic and Electrophysiological Data. Archives of Acoustics, 38(3), 375-381. – pdf [LINK]
- Króliczak, G., & Biduła, S. (2013). Neuronalne podłoże gestów komunikacyjnych u osób leworęcznych. Nauka, 3, 99-131.
- Króliczak G. (2013). Representations of transitive and intransitive gestures: perception and imitation. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, 2, 195-210. – pdf [LINK]
- Karaśkiewicz, A., & Lubawy, M. (2012) Wpływ pasków informacyjnych na zapamiętywanie pozostałych elementów przekazu telewizyjnego. Studia medioznawcze, 51(4): 69-81.
- Króliczak, G., Cavina-Pratesi, C., & Large, M.E. (2012). Object perception vs. target-directed manual actions. In M. Fafrowicz, T. Marek, W. Karwowski, D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Neuroadaptive Systems: Theory and Applications, 69-95, CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis, Ltd. – Google Books [LINK]
- Króliczak, G., & Biduła, S. (2012). Lateralizacja języka i gestów: metody badań, zależności oraz uwarunkowania anatomiczne. Studia z Kognitywistyki i Filozofii Umysłu, 6(1):143-163.
- Króliczak G., Piper B.J., & Frey S.H. (2011). Atypical lateralization of language predicts cerebral asymmetries in parietal gesture representations. Neuropsychologia, 49 (7) 1698–1702. – [LINK]
- Makoshi, Z., Króliczak, G., & van Donkelaar, P. (2011). Human Supplementary Motor Area Contribution to Predictive Motor Planning. Journal of Motor Behavior, 43 (4), 303–309. – [LINK]
Edited Books
- Króliczak, G., Gonzalez, C.L.R., Carey, D.P. (Eds.). (2019). Manual Skills, Handedness, and the Organization of Language in the Brain. Lausanne.: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-968-1. [LINK]
- Króliczak, G., Łastowski, K., Przybylski, Ł., Przybysz, P., Urbański, M. (red.). (2018). Filozof w krainie umysłów. Profesorowi Andrzejowi Klawiterowi w darze. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNS UAM.
Conference presentations
- Buchwald, M., Nowik, A., Króliczak, G. (2019). What planning interactions with tools can tell us about bimanuality: an fMRI study. Poster presented at the 14th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Kraków.
- Raś, M., Wyrwa, M., Króliczak, G. (2019). Neural bases of actions involving complex motor-to-mechanical transformations. Poster presented at the 14th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Kraków.
- Buchwald, M., Przybylski, L., & Króliczak, G. (2018, 20-22 April). Decoding brain states for planning functional grasps of tools: An fMRI Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis study. Research Talk at the Neuronus IBRO Neuroscience Forum, Kraków.
- Klichowski, M., Nowik, A., Króliczak, G., & Lewis, J. W. (2018, 20-22 April). Functional lateralization of tool-sound and action-word processing is influenced by bilingual experience. Poster at the Neuronus IBRO Neuroscience Forum, Kraków.
- Raś, M., Wyrwa, M., & Króliczak, G. (2018, 20-22 April). Neural underpinnings of actions involving complex tools: an fMRI study. Research Talk at the Neuronus IBRO Neuroscience Forum, Kraków.
- Nowik, A., Reuter, M., & Króliczak, G. (08-2016). Planning functional grasps of tools. What can eye movements tell us about motor cognition? Poster presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, Barcelona, Spain. pdf [LINK]
- Buchwald, M., & Króliczak, G. (06-2016). Planning functional grasps of tools vs. non-tools – decoding conditions from brain activity. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Pawlak, M., Przybylski, Ł., Styrkowiec, P., Reuter, M., Nowik, A., Kroliczak, G. (06-2016). Brain volume fluctuations within 30 hour interval – clinical biomarker evaluation. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Styrkowiec, P., Przybylski, Ł., Reuter, M., Nowik, A., & Króliczak, G. (06-2016). Haptically guided grasping of common tools: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Króliczak, G. (05-2016). Dominacja półkulowa i ręczność, a ogólna organizacja funkcji mózgu: mity w konfrontacji. NeuroMania IV: konferencja studencko-doktorancka, Toruń.
- Kubiak, A., Króliczak, G. (05-2016). Co o reprezentacji gestów symbolicznych mówi nam paradygmat adaptacji fMRI? NeuroMania IV: konferencja studencko-doktorancka, Toruń.
- Potok, W., Marangon, M., Króliczak, G. (04-2016). The temporal involvement of the left supramarginal gyrus in planning functional grasps. Research Talk at the NEURONUS 2016 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland.
- Buchwald, M., Przybylski, Ł., Króliczak, G. (04-2016). Planning functional grasps of tools vs. non-tools – MVPA searchlight analysis. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2016 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland.
- Króliczak, G., Michałowski, B., Kubiak, A., Pawlak, M. (05-2015). Disentangling the neural bases of action intentions: evidence from fMRI studies. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. pdf [LINK]
- Michałowski, B., Kubiak, A., Pawlak, M., Króliczak, G. (05-2015). To use, to pass, or to move: an fMRI study of neural bases of action intentions. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. pdf [LINK]
- Michałowski, B., Kubiak, A., & Króliczak, G. (04-2015). The goal within the grasp: an fMRI study of intention-dependent modulations of grasp-related cortical activity. Research Talk at the NEURONUS 2015 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland. [Awarded the best research talk for a presenter with pre-doctoral status]
- Kubiak, A., Michałowski, B., Króliczak, G. (04-2015). Facilitated processing of communicative (vs. tool use) gestures as revealed by fMRI adaptation and behavioral tests. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2015 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland. pdf [LINK]
- Nowik, A., Reuter, M., Raś, M., Króliczak, G. (04-2015). Free viewing vs. watching with a view to planning functional grasps of tools: an eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2015 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland. pdf [LINK]
- Maculewicz, J., Nowik, A., Serafin, S., Kofoed, L. S., Króliczak G. (04-2015). The effects of ecological auditory cueing on rhythmic walking interaction: EEG study. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2015 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland. pdf [LINK]
- Marangon, M., Króliczak G. (04-2015). Object exploration with a view to grasping: an fMRI study. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2015 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland. pdf [LINK]
- Raś, M., Nowik, A. (04-2015). Non-physical abstract actions are also caused by brain activity: evidence from EEG. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2015 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland.
- Bidula, S., Przybylski, L., Pawlak, M., & Kroliczak, G. (08-2014). The control of functional grasp is dissociated from object use: evidence from left-handers. Poster presentated at the 37th European Conference on Visual Perception, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Przybylski, L., Bidula, S., Pawlak, M., & Kroliczak, G. (08-2014). Dissociation between the control of functional grasp and object use in right-handers. Poster presented at the 37th European Conference on Visual Perception, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Króliczak, G. (06-2014). On the Other Hand: Perspectives on the Right Organizational Structure in the Brains of Individuals with Atypically Lateralized Functions. Invited Lecture at the Explaining the Mind. Perspectives on Explanation in Cognitive Science conference, the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Kraków, Poland.
- Przybylski, L., Bidula, S., Pawlak, M., & Kroliczak, G. (06-2014). Neural bases of planning functional grasps in left-handers: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.
- Pawlak, M., Przybylski, L., Bidula, S., & Kroliczak, G. (06-2014). White matter microstructure asymmetry in left-handers: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.
- Kroliczak, G., Przybylski, L., Bidula, S., & Pawlak, M. (05-2014). Hand-dependent and hand-independent cerebral asymmetries in the praxis representation network during planning of functional grasps. Poster presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
- Przybylski, L., Bidula, S., Pawlak, M., & Kroliczak, G. (05-2014). Neural bases of planning and execution of functional grasps: an fMRI study. Poster presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
- Biduła, S., Przybylski, L., Pawlak, M., & Kroliczak, G. (04-2014). Modulations within the right temporal lobe differentiate between typically and atypically organized language. Research talk at the NEURONUS 2014 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland.
- Kubiak, A., Nowik, A., Reuter, M., & Michałowski, B. (04-2014). Inhibitory Control in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Even-Related Potentials in the Stop-signal Paradigm. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2014 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland.
- Mańczak, B., Kubiak, A., Michałowski, B. & Nowik, A. (04-2014). Does the McGurk stimulus evoke the Mismatch Negativity? Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2014 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland.
- Michałowski, B. & Króliczak, G. (04-2014). Effectiveness of visual half-field paradigms in assessing the asymmetries of object representations. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2014 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland.
- Króliczak, G. (04-2014). The organization of gesture and language, and their relationships to hand dominance. Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Plannary lecture at the Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań 2014.
- Kubiak, A., & Króliczak, G. (03-2014). The involvement of the precuneus and medial prefrontal cortex in communicative gestures. Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary College (Focus Theme 2014: “Cognition 3.0 — the social mind in the connected world”), Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany.
- Michałowski B., & Króliczak, G. (09-2013). Hemispheric asymmetries for visual processing of tools in left-handers. Poster presented at the 11th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Poznań, Poland.
- Biduła, S., & Króliczak, G. (09-2013). Cortical asymmetries and the lateralization of gestures and language in left-handers. Poster presented at the 11th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Poznań, Poland.
- Króliczak, G. (09-2013). Task-dependent dissociations between transitive and intransitive gesture representations. The prospects of recovery following right vs. left hemisphere lesions. Research talk at the 11th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Poznań, Poland.
- Biduła, S., Króliczak, G. (06-2013). Subdivisions of the insular cortex and the lateralization of language and gestures. Poster presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Biduła, S., & Króliczak, G. (06-2013). Insular asymmetries and the laterality of functions in a healthy brain. Poster presented at the ‘Brain Plasticity, Learning and Education’ symposium organized by Royal Society of Canada, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
- Króliczak, G. (05-2013). An fMRI study of perception and imitation of transitive and intransitive skills. Research talk at the NEURONUS 2013 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum. Kraków, Poland.
- Biduła, S. (05-2013). Is the precuneus part of the default network? NEURONUS 2013 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Polska.
- Biduła, S., & Pawlak, M. (05-2013). Laminar analysis of resting state blood oxygenation level dependent signals at 7T and 3T. 4th Annual Scientific Symposium on Ultrahigh Field (UHF) Magnetic Resonance, Berlin, Niemcy.
- Biduła, S., Króliczak, G. (06-2012). Insular surface asymmetry predicts the lateralization of language and praxis. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China. pdf [LINK]
- Wrzosek, M., Maculewicz, J. (04-2012). Differences between perceptual noticeable and unnoticeable changes in human voice pitch reflected by mismatch negativity. The attempt to support dual pathway model in auditory cortex. Poster presented at the NEURONUS 2013 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Kraków, Poland. pdf [LINK]
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