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New Publications

See publications to find new (from 2018) articles published by Lab staff in such journals as: Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness and Polskie Forum Psychologiczne. Slotlords Casino has emerged as a popular choice…

New Publication

A new article by G. Kroliczak and P. Przybylski has been accepted to the special issue of the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (5-year IF = 3.0; 35 pkt. MNiSW) entitled “Motor Cognition“. The title of the paper is…

New publications

Paper ‘Specialization of the left supramarginal gyrus for hand-independent praxis representation is not related to hand dominance’ by Króliczak, G., Piper, B.J., and Frey, S.H., was accepted in March 2016 for the special issue of Neuropsychologia (An International Journal in Behavioural…

New publications

Following articles from research conducted in the lab were published (or will be published soon): Michałowski, B., Kroliczak, G. (2015). Sinistrals are rarely ‘right’: evidence from tool-affordance processing in visual half-field paradigms.Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9:166. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00166 Biduła, S.P., Króliczak…